Introduction to map reading
Learn how to read maps and use a compass to navigate safely
Service Description
Welcome to our Map Reading and Compass Skills course! In this course, you will learn the fundamental skills required to navigate using a map and compass. Throughout the course, we will cover the basics of maps, including how to read contour lines, identify different types of terrain, and calculate distances. We will also cover the essentials of using a compass, including how to take and follow bearings and how to use the compass alongside a map. Here is what the day typically looks like: Introduction to Map Reading Overview of different types of maps Understanding map scale and symbols Orientating a map Introduction to contour lines and elevation Map Reading Part 2 Identifying different types of terrain Measuring distance on a map Planning a route using a map. Introduction to Compass Skills Parts of a compass and how to use them Understanding magnetic declination Taking a bearing using a compass Compass Skills Part 2 Following a bearing using a compass How to use a compass alongside a map Navigating through unfamiliar terrain Practical Exercises Putting your skills to the test with outdoor navigation exercises Review and feedback on navigation techniques By the end of this course, you will have the essential skills to navigate using a map and compass. You'll also have gained the confidence to explore new places and tackle new adventures.

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